Beatriz Villarino-Sebastian - profile image

Beatriz Villarino-Sebastian

London College of Fashion

BA (Hons) Fashion Design and Development

About me

Hi there! My name is Beatriz Villarino. With a strong foundation in textiles, having earned an HND, and a degree from the London College of Fashion (LCF). I am a creative and passionate designer who finds inspiration in the everyday. I am captivated by the beauty of simple things — whether it’s the texture of a leaf, the pattern of a sidewalk, or the play of light on a surface. These seemingly ordinary elements fuel my imagination and are reflected in my designs and creative projects.My work aims to highlight the elegance of simplicity while ensuring functionality for the wearer. I believe that fashion should not only be aesthetically pleasing but also practical and comfortable. Through my collections, I strive to blend the beauty of everyday objects with innovative, functional design, creating pieces that resonate on a personal level and enhance the wearer’s daily life.


Portfolio projects


Added 24 September


Added 24 September #Body #Floral #Natural


Added 24 September #Art #Fashion


Added 23 September #Digital #Food #Print

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