Céline Marie Wenninger - profile image

Céline Marie Wenninger

London College of Fashion

BA (Hons) Fashion Contour

About me

CÉLINE MARIE is a freelance lingerie designer with the dedication to perfection. Every piece is sourced and handmade by the designer in London. It is all about the art of knowing what to deliberately leave aside. After previous experience in clothes making, structured lingerie and corsetry, she is currently in her final year of the undergraduate course BA (Hons) Fashion Contour at London College of Fashion. During her studies and while on a placement year, she was able to gain valuable experience in the couture and lingerie industry through work with renown design houses including C. Cowan-Sanluis, Julien McDonald, Iris van Herpen and Agent Provocateur. "For me, lingerie is more than a daily necessity. I believe that the skillful development of high-end lingerie, even if it cannot always be seen on the outside, can have an enormous impact on the wearer’s wellbeing, outer demeanour and personal aura. Accordingly, my dedication aims to create unique and personalized pieces trying to tell the story behind what seems to be the obvious." (2013)

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