Irina Pavlenko - profile image

Irina Pavlenko - Graduate

London College of Fashion

MA Costume Design for Performance

About me

My name is Irina Pavlenko and I come from a small country Latvia. I discovered my passion for costume design after attending Hollywood Costume exhibition at Victoria and Albert Museum. Since that day I knew that I wanted to work in theatre and film industry. I graduated from Wimbledon College of Arts in 2020 and decided to apply for MA Costume Design course straight after.I knew I was not done studying just yet and had some much more to learn from the fantastic teaching and technical team at the London College of Fashion. I currently work at the Royal Opera House as Costume Technician but in my spare time I design costumes for various projects and practice my illustration skills. My work is usually inspired by fantasy and horror. In the future I would also like to design for musicians, concerts and music videos.




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