I like observing individual feelings and emotions in different kind of situations. Most of my projects are related to feelings, each of them is an experiment between feelings at the moment, objects and methods. I tended to leave some spaces in my work and allow the audience to investigate or explore how they related to meanings and those objects. This mixed-media represented isolation during this pandemic by portrayed a tiny figure covering with wrinkled PVC sheets in a box that each side has words that may express various aspects of isolation and definition depending on the audience’s interpretation.
Tiny figure covering with a wrinkled PVC sheet to create an insecure feeling.
Each side of the box was created by ND filters camera lens. Black gradient on filters gave a sense of depth and supporting an isolation mood.
This figure was made by layered papers to create a sense of three-dimensional shape.
Words on each sides of the box, human being, responsibility and loved one represent what prevent the figure of and prevent it from
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