There is a slogan "a picture can paint a thousand words". I have a lot to say about the new normal, so I choose to create illustration books to express The Shadow of New Normal. In the early days of the COVID-19 outbreak, I spent the whole day reading the news about COVID-19. As I watch the news of the COVID-19 worsen by the day, I get scared. Eventually, I realized that this lifestyle was frustrating and a waste of time, so I forced myself to shift my focus and change the way I lived with COVID-19. I decided to make illustration books to promote the right way of life under COVID-19. After research and concluded that people's lives with COVID-19 fall into three categories. It includes active life, enjoying life, and negative life. These illustrations represent the lifestyles of the three groups. Show how their lives have changed during the COVID-19 in different lifestyles. Hopefully, people will see these changes and realize the importance of making the right lifestyle choices. The tone of the whole project is bright, giving people a good mood. I've used the words in red to warn people about the threat COVID-19 poses to humanity. And I chose to use plastic bags and gloves as the packaging for illustration books to protect against the threat of COVID-19.

The Shadow of New Normal


The Shadow of New Normal


The Shadow of New Normal


The Shadow of New Normal


The Shadow of New Normal

Positive attitude towards life

The Shadow of New Normal

Enjoy life

The Shadow of New Normal

Negative attitude towards life

The Shadow of New Normal

Illustration books

The Shadow of New Normal

Illustration books(Positive)

The Shadow of New Normal

Illustration books(Enjoy)

The Shadow of New Normal

Illustration books(Negative)

The Shadow of New Normal

Positive Poster

The Shadow of New Normal

Enjoy Poster

The Shadow of New Normal

Negative Poster

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