I use Google Street to roam the streets of the UK and choose specific public places for virtual graffiti. I chose St Thomas' Hospital and the statue of Robin Hood as the locations for my cloud graffiti. And associate these locations with specific slogans of related events. The slogan "People have hope to support each other alive" once appeared at the gate of a hospital in Wuhan when the epidemic was the worst. Now it appears at the gate of St. Thomas Hospital, where Prime Minister Johnson was treated, but the outbreak in Britain is still not optimistic now. Another slogan, "hero comes from people" has appeared on the streets of Hong Kong, but when things have passed, it can appear anywhere, and we have forgotten what caused it. Just like when graffiti is spread as a digital image on the Internet, it is hard not to forget it.

People have hope to support each other alive

Variable size/ 2020

Hero comes from people

Variable size/ 2020

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