I was originally interested in loneliness, which always exists and is a norm. This epidemic has greatly affected people's lives and become the new normal, but it is a good opportunity to study loneliness,so I created this device: Bottle Of Loneliness. To study the changes in people's feelings of loneliness under the epidemic. Through the different periods people's feeling of loneliness, concrete to the bottle, with the water level image lonely value change. When I studied the impact of the epidemic on people in the later period, I found that the epidemic was not a negative side of the imagination. It opened up an independent space, a world of its own, and it made people live and precipitate. Create again in illusion. Loneliness has become a way to embellish their independent space and a bridge into the world, so this bottle has its own independent world, which should be wonderful .That's what I think is the sense of loneliness under the epidemic.

Bottle Of Loneliness

I was originally interested in loneliness, which always exists and is a norm. This epidemic has greatly affected people's lives and become the new normal, but it is a good opportunity to study loneliness,so I created this device: Bottle Of Loneliness. To study the changes in people's feelings of loneliness under the epidemic. Through the different periods people's feeling of loneliness, concrete to the bottle, with the water level image lonely value change. When I studied the impact of the epidemic on people in the later period, I found that the epidemic was not a negative side of the imagination. It opened up an independent space, a world of its own, and it made people live and precipitate. Create again in illusion. Loneliness has become a way to embellish their independent space and a bridge into the world, so this bottle has its own independent world, which should be wonderful .That's what I think is the sense of loneliness under the epidemic.

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