let us just put the so-called “rationality” aside, I’m just wondering, under what circumstances can people ignore this virus?

Artist's Statement

Design rooted from our daily life. Everyone has their own fantasy world. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic at beginning of this year, a group of new students, including me, had to postpone their study plans. At that time, a part of me was eager to attend school as soon as possible. So, let us just put the so-called “rationality” aside, I’m just wondering, under what circumstances can people ignore this virus. Steampunk is my favorite style. l like to use different materials to create the different works. When it comes to this work, the audience may feel confused, why exactly are we becoming fish? The reason may be that when I was in high school, my teacher used to tell us that the process of learning is just like swimming in the sea of knowledge, so I chose to symbolize each one of us with the element of fish. And as for the overall appearance, I borrowed the shape of the spacecraft in the movie “War of the Worlds” as my reference.
As for the material, I chose boxwood, because wood is a material with temperature, and yellow symbolizes pandemic shutdown period, Everything seemed to stop in this period. For this particular work, I’ve got different kind of feedback. This project does not have many practical functions, but it reveals my spiritual needs in this special period. I came to realize that the other direction of design is to enrich people's spiritual needs with my artistic products. I used to satisfy people's material needs, now I can take a step forward by designing products to explore and fulfill people's inner world. This kind of change in design thinking has brought me a bunch of brand new insights. I want to use this works to show my personal feelings during the epidemic.






Actual Product

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