My story begins in a dream, where everyone wears masks, glasses and much other protective equipment. That looks like wrapping ourselves in a closed balloon, we want to isolate the virus, but we don' t want to isolate people. It's like a transparent balloon, closed but transparent. They are no longer ordinary masks. Every day we blow the balloon, blow it up, wear it on our bodies, becoming everyday clothing. Maybe when they get dirty, we can even throw them into the washing machine. But all scenes are fairytale, and eventually this extraordinary period will end like a flying balloon. Balloons are my carriers and elements. I hope to make some wearable products, maybe rings, necklaces, hats and so on. They might not practical, but they serve as placebos.
My illustration about the ballon.
My story begins in a dream, where everyone wears masks, glasses and much other protective equipment. That looks like wrapping ourselves in a closed balloon, we want to isolate the virus, but we don' t want to isolate people. It's like a transparent balloon, closed but transparent. They are no longer ordinary masks. Every day we blow the balloon, blow it up, wear it on our bodies, becoming everyday clothing. Maybe when they get dirty, we can even throw them into the washing machine. But all scenes are fairytale, and eventually the whole thing will end like a flying balloon.
What product it might be?
Balloons are my carriers and elements. I hope to make some wearable products, maybe rings, necklaces, hats and so on. They might not practical, but they serve as placebos.
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