The pulmonary fibrosis would be one of the severe symptoms that a person who was infected by covid19. It makes the lung inelastic and dies instantly after intense exercise. The world is struggling under the shadow and fear of COVID-19 pandemic, there is nothing more painful with the sufferings for the COVID-19 patients and their loved ones. To in memory of the lives and sacrifice had lost in this global pandemic, I would like to show my piece of thought and mourn for these beautiful lives. My artwork is a special necklace made of dried loofah and wool, with the size of 15 centimetres wide and 35 centimetres high. I simulated the suffered lung whose changes were based on the shape and the way the virus attacked.
A Necklace memorizes COVID-19 deaths
The pulmonary fibrosis would be one of the severe symptoms that a person who was infected by covid19. It makes the lung inelastic and dies instantly after intense exercise. The world is struggling under the shadow and fear of COVID-19 pandemic, there is nothing more painful with the sufferings for the COVID-19 patients and their loved ones. To in memory of the lives and sacrifice had lost in this global pandemic, I would like to show my piece of thought and mourn for these beautiful lives.
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