The graphic design was inspired by social distancing during the coronavirus epidemic. Maintaining social distance was constantly stressed during this particular period and we saw this phrase everywhere. To respond to this phenomenon, I made a series of two posters about social distancing, with a gradient blue chosen as the background colour. The gradient background colour represents different levels of people’s perception of sorrow. Besides, I use colourful circles as a medium to visualise the concept of invisible social distancing. Social distancing is a restriction to us, which seems a chain restricting our daily activities. It’s the reason I arrange the text around the circle. The text around the circle is in the form of blurred and distorted because I would like to imply that society is turbulent. The situation of society makes me not want to face the word ‘Covid-19’, so the word is inverse. The circles’ colour is brisk to represent hope. Hope for tomorrow will drive away sorrows which is also my expectation.
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