The impact of human behaviour on the climate is subtle and hard to notice. Many people are not actually aware of the impact their actions will have, or rather, they do not think their actions will have any impact on the climate. After all, one person is really tiny, but with seven billion people on the planet, the impact of this huge number could easily start to move the climate in a bad direction. My main source of inspiration was a wax sculpture by American artist Bob Partington - a Florida jaguar and her cubs. This work influenced me to consider the option of using sculptural representation to create a work of art to raise public awareness of the climate crisis. When vast resources are depleted and vast amounts of carbon dioxide are emitted, if the earth is melted by the scorching temperatures, then humans, as part of the planet, are also destined to be melted. Therefore, I focus on the warming of the climate in the climate crisis to express the interaction between humans and the earth. So in my work, the earth and the big mouth and the polluted clouds are melting. I have added some flat content to enrich the whole work.

Eat up

Although there are many environmentalists who are trying to protect the earth and slow down the climate crisis, there are still people who open their mouths to eat more resources.


Human activity affects the earth.

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