The disasters caused by the climate crisis have become more and more obvious in recent years. Floods, droughts, and forest fires have occurred all over the world, but people seem to be unaware that the danger is actually all around us. They believe that climate change has not affected people's daily lives, but in fact, disasters are happening all the time, and many people die from high temperatures every year. The climate crisis is like an invisible danger that quietly covers everyone. My work The Invisible Danger is inspired by this. The red balloon represents a warning, and the explosion is the alarm. When the temperature is too high, the ice is melting, and the alarm bell is ringing, which also means that danger is coming.
The Invisible Danger
The disasters caused by the climate crisis have become more and more obvious in recent years. Floods, droughts, and forest fires have occurred all over the world, but people seem to be unaware that the danger is actually all around us. They believe that climate change has not affected people's daily lives, but in fact, disasters are happening all the time, and many people die from high temperatures every year. The climate crisis is like an invisible danger that quietly covers everyone. My work The Invisible Danger is inspired by this. The red balloon represents a warning, and the explosion is the alarm. When the temperature is too high, the ice is melting, and the alarm bell is ringing, which also means that the danger is coming.
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