‘Joshua’s Dream’ is a film that explores being trapped in a cycle of unfulfillment, and the decisions that must be made if one wishes to become free. The narrative follows a young man at a top ballet school; However, he is made to feel inferior due to his difference. The film uses symbolism to represent this predicament, and the complexity of this character’s mind is presented within poetic language and a series of internal monologues. In terms of production the film was shot, edited, written and directed by me. I wish for this narrative to communicate the sense of loss and abandonment that is felt when one is forced to leave a world that may have once been a ‘dream’ and that they have worked so hard to achieve – but must do so in order to achieve internal peace. Overcoming one barrier does not mean that there isn’t yet another just beyond it, however it is this former barrier that equips us with the skills to navigate our next hurdle. Black men can be artistic, sensitive, gentle, passionate, loving, inspired, and complex in ways that aren’t often celebrated. Presenting these qualities is the core purpose of this work.
Joshua's Dream - by Isaac Irvine
A film written and directed by Isaac Irvine
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