Increased temperatures could result in skewed incubation conditions and leads to serious gender imbalance which would impact turtle species and other reptiles. So this was the key in leading me to create the artwork that focus on species which displayed TSD. I wanted to make my work intuitive, and for me I think the mirror is the most direct way to get people to start being aware. So I used mirror to instead of canvas and did some acrylic quartz sand textured painting on mirror. I used red to create hot atmosphere and used blue to represent ocean. Here are two turtles I drew which I used 2 sticks to get them off the surface of the painting So that it looks like they're trying to escape the hot ocean. I used the mirror and left a empty space for a pair of eyes. Through here to reflected ourself , therefore, once people look at my work , they can start to thinking what we can do to combat the climate crisis and to help this kind of wildlife.


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