My artwork is a series of illustrations, named Vacation. It is drawn in a satirical way to show that, in the future, people may need to migrate to the north in order to defend themselves from the high temperature. I hope that the public can become aware of the seriousness of the climate crisis when they see my illustrations. Research shows that as sea temperatures rise, ocean species are migrating north in order to find a colder and more comfortable environment. The news also shows that the temperature in the Arctic was rising extremely fast. Scientists can wear shorts there. This made me think of humans themselves. I wanted to create illustrations which people could easily understand, so that the audience could feel the impact as much as I did. The first image named Cool, shows a woman sunbathing in the Arctic with a shaved polar bear. I wanted to express human interference with nature, even when humans are forced to migrate, they continue to interfere with nature for their own comfort and convenience. The second image named Breeze, shows a scientist walking in the tropics to recover his detection car which is broken down. What I tried to express is that the breeze is a warning of the coming sandstorm. And any warning about the climate crisis needs our attention. I chose digital drawing because it is always a good choice for online work, in particular I hoped my illustrations would result in a wide range of effects. I used a distorted effect to express the unbearable heat and a sense of unreality to show that this is not the real future. I wanted my illustrations to be contradictory and satirical, but at the same time interesting and attractive. I hope the public will respond to the emotion I conveyed.


The first image named Cool, shows a woman sunbathing in the Arctic with a shaved polar bear. I wanted to express human interference with nature, even when humans are forced to migrate, they continue to interfere with nature for their own comfort and convenience.


The second image named Breeze, shows a scientist walking in the tropics to recover his detection car which is broken down. What I tried to express is that the breeze is a warning of the coming sandstorm. And any warning about the climate crisis needs our attention.

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