The project aims to show the process of building the first collection of women’s suits by a luxury made-in-Italy fashion brand. The collection is called La Goccia, that in English means drop. The drop has an historical meaning that the Greeks gave to it, that is a tear of joy and laughter. This collection takes inspiration from that concept. The small collection of women’s suits wants to excite, and to leave a sign that goes beyond the dress itself; born from the love for life, and for everything that generates movement, and flows continuously like a drop of water, this collection wants to excite like a drop of rain on a drought day, and like a tear of joy in a dark moment. The collection wants to be a hymn to the small details that make the difference, like the millions of water droplets that make up the sea. The drop, infinitely small that contains the infinitely large. Even the smallest emotion can give rise to something infinitely great, that is love. This collection aims to be a hymn to love, to life, to the little things in life that make us blissful, just like a drop in a waterfall.

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