In today's fast-paced environment, it's easy for human connections to be lost in the shuffle. It's a sad sign of the decline of the community when we grow up without ever getting to know our next-door neighbor. Life becomes tiresome and our atomized existence renders us one-dimensional. The ultimate form of civilisation may drive humans further and more apart. People lose their capacity to connect with others, their appreciation for diversity, and their ability to think on their feet. The disappearance of the neighborhood is a new form of social relationship shaping. However, human nature is social, and reconstructing the nearby is a kind of humanism-oriented return, which help us feel alive and valuable. Have a chat with the locals, security, housekeeping, and front desk. Meet the neighbors, get reacquainted with the area, and gain a new perspective. Project in collaboration with Industrial Design Yu Chen, Fashion Communication Hawko Liang.


I took pictures about the environment and folded them.


I try to break out of the folded nearby and get myself out of the folded situation.


In collaboration with Yu Chen of Industrial Design. Provide an environment to interact. Designing clothes that require two people to be present at the same time.

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