This project aims to present relaxation to my viewers and it is inspired by my trip to the Seven Sisters. I am designing an installation/an environment and products to help my viewers to relax by showing the relationship of nature, life, travel and relaxation. Furthermore, there is one more discovery of my presentation for this project. I made a huge DIY dandelion as a method & medium for me to spread my message about relaxation. Every seed of the dandelion contains a quote or suggestion about relaxation. I hope that every viewer would have a heartwarming experience by relaxing in my space & installation and receiving a message of “Nature, life, travel & relaxation”. Besides the installation and the props, I am also practicing natural dyeing and eco-printing on the fabric to express the image of my own relaxation and present the beauty of the colour of nature.

Process 1


Process 2


Process 3


Process 4

Natural Dyeing/Printing

Process 5

DIY Dandelion

Pic 1

Pic 2

Pic 3

Pic 4

Pic 5

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