In this project I used 3D animation for the first time. My aim was to translate my memory and process of taking analogue photos into animations that are guided by the overall concept of memory itself: Fragments of memory, gaps between memories, surreal character, play with light and dark (dark for forgetting), the piecing together of memory fragments demonstrates the act of remembering, blurry stands for forgetting, memory is transient and changes, moves and morphs over time. The stages of taking an analogue photograph: 1. Finding a motif, 2. Setting the aperture, 3. Setting the shutter speed, 4. Focussing, 5. Pressing the shutter release button, 6. Image appears/gets revealed, 7. Winding the film, moving film advance lever. I also cut my animations to the song Agostina by Puscifer to add another layer of meaning.

Motions of Remembrance - Memory Palace

Please watch with Sound. Translation of my memory and process of taking analogue photos into animations that are guided by the overall concept of memory itself. Song: Puscifer - Agostina

Stills from my animation/video

Still from my animation, pressing the shutter release button


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