Throughout many of my projects at CSM, and for the degree show, I have used the process of rug tufting to create abstract, entrancing shaped rugs. This process is something I really enjoy; although repetitive, it is a chance to become unconsciously absorbed in the creation of the artwork.

Unfamiliar Growth (2022)

1m x 1m, Yarn, Monks cloth. Focusing on the growth of cells and biological processes such as mitosis.

Unfamiliar Growth progress

Showing the back side of the rug whilst in progress.

Unfamiliar Growth progress

Showing the front side of the rug whilst in progress.

Degree show piece progress

Partially completed tufted element for the degree show.

Open Studios (December 2022)

Showing a tufted piece on display alongside some smaller studies.

Open Studios (December 2022)

Showing the audience interacting with my work at open studios.

Work in progress

1.5m x 1m rug in progress.

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