Still here, in my heart

2024, 200 x 160 cm, Oil on canvas

I choked on the sun

2024, 200 x 160 cm, Oil on canvas

How I remember your smell in the sun

2024, 160 x 200 cm, Oil on canvas

Passing Arc

2024, Oil on paper, 40 x 30 cm

I saw a pelican swallow a pigeon

2024, 24 x 18 cm, Oil on canvas


2024, 250 x 200 cm, Oil on canvas

Tell me whom you haunt me and I will tell you who you are

2024, 200 x 160 cm, Oil on canvas


2024, 200 x 160 cm, Tea and oil on canvas

The silence of love

2023, 80 x 60 cm, Oil on canvas

Elegance is frigid

2023, 80 x 60 cm, Oil on canvas

The sun never knew how wonderful it was

2023, 60 x 50 cm, Oil on canvas


2024, 40 x 30 cm, Oil on paper

I think I inhaled you

2024, 40 x 30 cm, Oil on paper

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