A collection of images, old photos, research, and my own photography and fabric scans to help illustrate my research

Les Filles

My Aunties, circa 1960s Abidjan Côte D'Ivoire (Missen, 2024)

Pagne Baoulé

Traditional woven fabric made in Côte D'Ivoire (Missen, 2024)

Pagne Baoulé

Traditional woven fabric made in Côte D'Ivoire (Missen, 2024)

Marceline with her children

Multi-Media piece I drew of my grandmother (Missen, 2024)

Odettes Pregancy

Photos I took of Odette, she dawns a traditional pagne baoulé (Missen, 2024)

The Wedding

Conceptual Photography (Missen, 2024)

The Wedding in Focus

(Missen, 2024)

Loza Maléombho designs

Photos edited via Maléombho website (Maléombho, 2024)

Market Photos

Cadid photos I took at macory market Abidjan (Missen, 2024)


Cadid photos I took at macory market Abidjan (Missen, 2024)

Geraldd's Shirt

I aksed gerald to make a shirt for my dad, gave him complete creative liberty. In west africa made to order systems are the norm Cadid photos I took at macory market Abidjan (Missen, 2024)

Vlisco store visual merchandising

(Missen, 2024)

Vlisco store visual merchandising

(Missen, 2024)

Pagne drapped

Example of a Pagne (fabric) drapped in a traditional manor (Missen, 2024)


My grandmother wearing a traditional west african print dress (Missen, 2024)


Legendary godfather of Ivorian fashion shows us his Dior collaboration (Missen, 2024)


Pange fabric examples (Missen, 2024)

Trechville market

Candids of busiest textile market in Abidjan (Missen, 2024)

Candid Seamstress

Candid photo i took of a seamstress in the village of Abengourou (Missen, 2024)

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