Cooking On My Mind was a BA Graphic Design workshop held for first year students in the hopes to promote positive mental wellbeing through a culinary practice. The workshop aimed to create a community through a shared experience of cooking and eating together, whilst educating participants on the importance in doing so. Participants were encouraged to bring a fond recipe with them, later to be included in Graphic Gastronomy, our community cookbook. The publication hoped to encourage culinary practice beyond the studio space and serve as a positive reminder of a social experience.

"Cooking on My Mind" Workshop

First year students following the provided recipe, which would later be added to a sharing board. Whilst cooking, we discussed subjects like mental health, London life and our course.

Recipe poster

Screen printed recipe poster used in the workshop.

Publication asset 1

Photography used to visually aid recipes that were included in "Graphic Gastronomy"

Publication asset 1

Photography used to visually aid recipes that were included in "Graphic Gastronomy"

Graphic Gastronomy

Graphic Gastronomy

Spanakopita recipe contributed by participant.

Graphic Gastronomy

Veggie chilli recipe contributed by participant.

Graphic Gastronomy

The front cover features a screenprinted title and embossed imagery.

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