My work explores the relationship between insect extinction and climate change. When I realised that the general public is now aware that many insect species are facing extinction but do not realise the severity of the situation. Therefore, through the domino form of the work, I hope to draw the viewer's attention to this topic and the ripple effect it creates. Influenced by the Japanese artist Riusuke Fukahori, the work uses multiple layers of epoxy resin and acrylic to create a three-dimensional, realistic taxidermy effect. The use of five insects with special meanings makes the work mysterious and interesting.The ladybird is a symbol of freedom, the wasp is a sign of danger, the cicada means imminent death, the moth is a symbol of dying, and the butterfly is a symbol of death. It is hoped that the novelty of the creation and the special symbols will attract the audience's attraction and thus deepen the impression of the topic of insect extinction.


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