As global temperatures continue to rise. Air conditioning has also become a daily household necessity. But air conditioning also produces greenhouse gases and destroys the ozone layer. Making global warming worse and worse. I use a range of environmentally friendly materials and healthy ways to change the indoor temperature in order to replace air conditioning. But my project is not to design a beautiful space. But to bring a new idea for the future of architecture. And as a warning. Because I felt that humans are selfish and I realized that even designing a project that could solve the climate problem. People will be still hard to realize how serious the climate problem and will continue to damage the environment. Therefore, I decided to take advantage of the dark and humid nature of the underground in order to warn people. I created a model in SketchUp and then drew them in photoshop. I use black and grey as the main colors. To reflect the darkness of the underground house. In the second picture I used warm colors to create a strong visual effect.

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