In response to the global challenge of climate change, I designed cropcare, which protects agricultural production and responds to the impacts of climate change on agriculture by mobilising members of the community to volunteer to monitor climate change and provide disaster relief services.

(已压缩)#3 Final outcome.pdf

The reason I created this project was to create a service design that addresses the issue of agricultural production being affected by extreme weather, a meteorological disaster.
As a service design, cropcare is not only visually sophisticated and aesthetically pleasing, but also practically orientated and a real solution to the problem.
The main output of this project is an app, which corresponds to two identities, volunteer and farmer, with two operating systems.
Cropcare make we better monitoring climate change at the community level and organise rescue at the early stages of the disaster collaboratel.
I hope it will become a reality in the future and really solve the agriculture and climate problem in a meaningful way.

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