Sewage Ice Lolly #Climatecrisis2024 #Group1 #Nichumphries #Sewage #Rainstrom


My artwork‘s name is Sewage Ice Lolly. The aim of this project is to create an artwork that expresses the secondary sewage effects of extreme rainfall. I collected sewage from the streets after a rainstorm, then use them to make some ice lollies and let them melt naturally on the canvas to make an artwork.

Sewage Ice Lolly


Sewage Ice Lolly


Sewage Ice Lolly


My work explores the secondary effects of extreme rainfall caused by the climate crisis. Inspired by artist John Sabraw's artwork "Hydrophilic", I collected sewage from the streets after a rainstorm, then use it to make some ice lollies and let them melt naturally on the surface of a canvas to create my work.

One of the most obvious things to us all is that after a rainstorm the water run-off carries all kinds of contamination and this goes everywhere. This pollution will quietly but profoundly affect our life.

In my artwork, the sewage ice lolly symbolizes those things that are affected by the pollution. The ice lollies melting on the canvas, symbolize the pollution that is slowly engulfing on our lives. I hope that through this process, people can realize that the impact of the climate crisis, is so much more than what the eye can see.

Artist Statement

Artist Statement

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