This video describes the frame of the future, and there are contrasts with the present. In hot weather, animals and water disappear, the buildings left by humans would become ruined, sand flies in the dry and hot air. In freezing weather, it looks like Ice Age, all the water frozen, and the land is covered by white snow.

A ruined future

Warning: contains flashing images

I like to create scenes that look real in the digital world, because of a concept called the meta-universe, this is a probable future for humanity. I used to work for a virtual production company, most of our clients asked us to create a virtual scene like a photo so that it looks like you are shooting in real life. During this process it is interesting to find the gap between virtual and real and try to make it disappear. My favorite work to do is create the landscape, every time I create it from a plane and set the datil to make it more natural I am a creator of the world.

I am frequently attracted by reality and amazing visual effects, and happy to explore the boundary between reality and imagination. That is the reason I create these projects and render them in realistic style.

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