The Sound of the Sea #Climatecrisis2024 #Group1 #nichumphries

UAL project climate crisis

drift sand sculpture


glitters test


pH test 1


pH test 2

The concept of a beautiful but dangerous thing is what I have been trying to explore through my artwork. I have approached the issue of Climate crisis from this viewpoint. I wanted to make the sound of the sea audible to those who are distant from it.

My work is influenced by my personal background, I grew up in the mountainous region of Southwest China, so I have a deep fascination with the ocean. Through my works, I aim to encourage people to reduce their carbon dioxide emissions and be aware of the dangers of ocean acidification hidden underneath the beautiful surface of the sea.

My artwork is a Conch which I have modified to become a container. The re-purposed conch is filled with a mixture of oil, purplish-blue glitters that mimic the ocean’s sparkle, and the salicylic acid, which mirrors the pH of acidified seawater. The effect is beautiful like the sea but also dangerous.

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