Revenge Of Nature #ClimateCrisis2024 #Gavin Bloor

The work titled " Revenge Of Nature" , depicts the scene of nature's revenge on humanity.  I want to show the severe natural conditions through the unique perspective of the Yi culture in China. My inspiration comes from the Yi people's belief in animism and karma, and was influenced by Japanese artist Yui Ishibashi's work The Last Tears. The Yi people are deeply in awe of nature, and some Yi people believe that the God of nature will punish people if they damage the environment. This is a work full of metaphors. Pink everywhere symbolizes human greed and desire, human bones symbolize disaster and disease, transparent particles and flowers symbolize the material wealth that humans chase.   Through this work, I want to express a view that the so-called revenge of nature is that humanity is consumed by its own expansion of desire. I want to call people to pay attention to the environment and protect the environment through my work.

Revenge Of Nature

Revenge Of Nature

The work titled " Revenge Of Nature" , depicts the scene of nature's revenge on humanity.  I want to show the severe natural conditions through the unique perspective of the Yi culture in China. My inspiration comes from the Yi people's belief in animism and karma, and was influenced by Japanese artist Yui Ishibashi's work The Last Tears.

The Yi people are deeply in awe of nature, and some Yi people believe that the God of nature will punish people if they damage the environment. This is a work full of metaphors. Pink everywhere symbolizes human greed and desire, human bones symbolize disaster and disease, transparent particles and flowers symbolize the material wealth that humans chase.
Through this work, I want to express a view that the so-called revenge of nature is that humanity is consumed by its own expansion of desire. I want to call people to pay attention to the environment and protect the environment through my work.

Revenge Of Nature

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