Remodeling the World #Climatecrisis2024 #Group1 #Desire #nichumphries

Excessive exploitation and consumption of natural resources have led to a significant increase in greenhouse gas emissions, making global warming a prominent aspect of the climate crisis. ‘The insatiable drive to produce stems from a relentless ambition for power, overpowering reason and shaping the essence of the modern world’ (Daily Sabah 2023). In response to the climate crisis, the need to reconsider how to reshape the modern world has become urgent. My artwork, primarily in sculpture, shows the face of the post-industrial world where natural resources are being plundered, and humanity, driven by an expanding desire for consumption and power, exploits these resources without restraint. Through this artwork, I hope that human beings can deeply reflect on their relationship with nature. In the context of global warming, human beings should strengthen their self-control and curb their endless desires.

My artwork, primarily in sculpture, shows the face of the post-industrial world where natural resources are being plundered, and humanity, driven by an expanding desire for consumption and power, exploits these resources without restraint. Through this artwork, I hope that people can deeply reflect on their relationship with nature.

The work is inspired by images of real-life steel mills and open-pit mines. I have been inspired by the Nathalie Miebac and the metaphorical approach she adopts in her work.

The most important part of the work is the middle area of the sculpture, the central part presents features of a realistic terrain such as raised hills, sunken plains, and cracked valleys, each of these represent the aftermath of human mining activities.


Process of project

My artwork, primarily in sculpture, shows the face of the post-industrial world where natural resources are being plundered, and humanity, driven by an expanding desire for consumption and power, exploits these resources without restraint. Through this artwork, I hope that people can deeply reflect on their relationship with nature.

The work is inspired by images of real-life steel mills and open-pit mines. I have been inspired by the Nathalie Miebac and the metaphorical approach she adopts in her work.

The most important part of the work is the middle area of the sculpture, the central part presents features of a realistic terrain such as raised hills, sunken plains, and cracked valleys, each of these represent the aftermath of human mining activities.



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