The name of my independent project is "Scream", which is a very short cartoon, but I did not add any words in the whole work, I used the picture to express the scream of sea creatures and their dissatisfaction with human behavior. I used digital painting throughout the work, which will help me convey my thoughts to more people. I painted a lot of fish bones, fishing nets and all kinds of plastic waste grouped together, and even seaweed grew on this waste. The purpose of this painting is to remind people that the ocean is gradually decaying, and the creatures that should be growing on the bottom of the sea are now attached to a pile of plastic waste, and the whole marine ecology is gradually deformed. I wanted to use this more powerful image to make viewers think about how to protect the environment. Through this work, I want to warn people that even if some behaviors are unconscious, the negative things we do will hurt us, not only marine creatures.

Scream(page one)

Scream(page two)

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