I think electronic painting is soulless, so I chose the handmade way to make a pop-up book to express my feelings. The earth is suffering from a climate crisis, all this is caused by us, human beings, and human beings are just a grain of dust in the vast history. Inspired by the artist Allison May Kiphuth multilayer painting, my pop-up book cover represents the surface of the earth, the inside page uses collage to show different disasters. When we realize that the environment on the earth is almost completely destroyed, the last page of the book presents a three-dimensional picture- -my beautiful fantasy ecosystem. Facing  climate issues, we should calmly examine ourselves and reflect on ourselves. Our environmental protection consciousness will gradually be awakened, and we should look at the future positively, and strive for the last remaining ecosphere on the earth. That is what this pop-up book is for.

3D effect



inside pages


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