'Fish' life - the rest of life #ClimateCrisis2024#Group 1#NicHumphries

The aim of this project is to create an original piece of art as a creative response to the environmental situation happening around us. According to, I found that the water shortage in the Yangtze River basin was caused by rising temperatures, which also led to the extinction of the baiji dolphin in the river. Therefore, I decided to create a painting that represents the damage to ecosystems caused by the climate crisis. At the center of my painting is a baiji dolphin living in fresh water, the fish is very brightly colored. The fish is surrounded by cracked land that has become arid due to the heat.

My work is about the current state of the damaged ecological environment in the Yangtze River basin, This is leading to the extinction of the baiji dolphin and I feel this is a warning of the future extinction of human life. I decided to use a realistic painting to express my thoughts.  
The painting depicts a colourful baiji dolphin set against an arid soil background The colour of the baiji dolphin in the picture is influenced by the fish series in the artist Felix Murillo's work, which symbolizes my beautiful dream of the ecosystem environment. Alberto Burri's use of materials made me realize that cracks in arid soils can be visualized. 
The barren soil is a product of the climate crisis, and it contrasts with the colourful baiji dolphins. This means that the beautiful ecological environment is slowly being destroyed, and I hope that people can realize the importance of protecting the environment. 

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