Are we going to be a desert?#ClimateCrisis2024#SteveElmesGroup2


Against the backdrop of the global climate crisis, my research has been focused on the environmental issue of land desertification. Inspired by the artistic works of Riitta Ikonen and Karoline Hjorth, who employ photography, mixed media, and graphic design to explore thought-provoking themes, I aim to raise awareness with my work that poses the question: "Will our world transform into a desert?" By creating an artwork using dye derived from eroded soil and wrapping the figure's face in medical gauze, I symbolize how humanity may eventually be engulfed by desertification. The use of red font replaces obscured features as a visual warning to society. Amidst advancements in modern civilization and technology that have brought progress to human societies, urban dwellers often overlook the expanding threat of desertification worldwide. Therefore, this work primarily aims to provide context on land desertification while fostering discussions about prevention strategies and future solutions.

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