Black-faced spoonbill #Climatecrisis2024 #Group1 #nichumphries #sealevelrising # printmaking #silkscreenprinting

#Animal #Art #Climate #Extinction #Silkscreen

Endangered waterbird named Black-faced spoonbill lose suitable habitat since sea level rising in Taiwan.

Black-faced spoonbill

As a printmaking major student, my focus in my artistic response to global climate crisis was using silk screen printing. The topic I chose was how global warming has influenced the habitat of the black-faced spoonbill in Taiwan.

I expressed this worrying situation as an initial idea and explored several visual elements in my final work by silk screen printing. These elements such as colour exploration, transparency and intuitive abstract shape inspired by Simone Christen and Ellsworth Kelly. As part of my creative process, I followed my intuition to turn concrete shapes into a kind of abstract style and emphasize their characteristic of black and long bill of these birds.

Though my work, I invite viewers to think widely and hopefully they will find a connection between the image and the story behind it. My intention is to raise awareness of our need to act now if we are to prevent them from becoming extinct.

Black-faced spoonbill

Black-faced spoonbill

Black-faced spoonbill

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