Aspirations #GavinBloor #ClimateCrisis2024 #Art installation

My artworks present experimental images to the audience as art installations in the form of television. When the audience watches the artworks, they form a process of gazing and being gazed at, thus provoking reflection. The two pictures respectively represent the beautiful world full of life in human dreams and the scene of the dying struggle of nature in real life. The contrast between the two shows that people get information from electronic media, and their cognition of the world also comes from the network. The closed environment makes human beings live in a beautiful fantasy, but they do not know that they have been hurt by themselves. By juxtaposing ready-made objects in nature, my installation contrasts reality with fiction, nature with culture. By using two materials, moss and fishing nets, objects that are not normally considered art are rearranged and transformed. I wanted to negate the drama and narrative of the video and focus on the contemplation and perception of the material.


My artworks present experimental images to the audience as art installations in the form of television. When the audience watches the artworks, they form a process of gazing and being gazed at, thus provoking reflection. The two pictures respectively represent the beautiful world full of life in human dreams and the scene of the dying struggle of nature in real life. The contrast between the two shows that people get information from electronic media, and their cognition of the world also comes from the network. The closed environment makes human beings live in a beautiful fantasy, but they do not know that they have been hurt by themselves. By juxtaposing ready-made objects in nature, my installation contrasts reality with fiction, nature with culture. By using two materials, moss and fishing nets, objects that are not normally considered art are rearranged and transformed. I wanted to negate the drama and narrative of the video and focus on the contemplation and perception of the material.

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