The name of my independent artwork is Imbalance . The theme of this artwork is that in the context of the climate crisis, due to global warming, the precipitation structure has changed, forming the feature of drought and flood imbalance . This artwork is to convey a state of an imbalance through an artistic performance in the form of a video. By this, I hope to call on us humans to pay attention to the disordered precipitation structure in the climate crisis.

My artwork, a video, is entitled Imbalance, it is a video work In order to express this imbalance between droughts and floods., the precipitation structure has been changed because of global warming leading to the death of many organisms. I want to use this work to call on everyone to pay attention to climate crisis.

In this work, I used a lot of symbolism to explain abstract things in detail. I used a weighing scale to represent the ecological environment. I used dried and dead fish to represent the ecological damage caused droughts and floods. When you pour water on the right side of the balance the tray on the other side goes up. I used this imbalanced state to symbolize the imbalance between drought and flood.

How to express the state of imbalance is the most important part of this work. The artist Alexander Calder gave me the inspiration. So I created the imbalance of the scales through the way of pour water, symbolizing the current climate crisis of drought and flood imbalance.


My artwork, a video, is entitled Imbalance, it is a video work In order to express this imbalance between droughts and floods., the precipitation structure has been changed because of global warming leading to the death of many organisms. I want to use this work to call on everyone to pay attention to climate crisis.

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