The Household and modern day appliances produce harmful gases, causing the air temperature to rise, and because of the temperature rise, it is even more difficult to leave those tools that make oneself comfortable. This is a vicious cycle until humanity can no longer move forward.

The art project 'Loop' is seeking to illuminate the impact of global warming on human health through visual artistry.
Drawing inspiration from both personal experiences and climate change research, the project employs materials such as fabric, knitting, and acrylic markers to provide a tactile and visual representation of elevated temperatures.
The primary goal of 'Loop' is to foster awareness and encourage proactive measures for environmental protection, underscoring the urgent nature of climate change and our collective responsibility to mitigate its effects on human health. Through this initiative, I aspire to engage audiences meaningfully and motivate them to act on this critical issue.

Group 18_Ruby LeZhang_Loop_compressed (1).pdf

The art project 'Loop' is seeking to illuminate the impact of global warming on human health through visual artistry. Drawing inspiration from both personal experiences and climate change research, the project employs materials such as fabric, knitting, and acrylic markers to provide a tactile and visual representation of elevated temperatures. The primary goal of 'Loop' is to foster awareness and encourage proactive measures for environmental protection, underscoring the urgent nature of climate change and our collective responsibility to mitigate its effects on human health. Through this initiative, I aspire to engage audiences meaningfully and motivate them to act on this critical issue.

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