We need to pay more attention to the microplastics. The whole cycle is also proving to us that the constant production and use of plastics by human beings nowadays may seem to only pollute the environment and affect marine life, but in fact, this invisible damage (microplastics) will one day be applied to the human body.

Struggle in the net


Under the plastic

My work is based on the vicious cycle microplastics create in the ocean. As a stylist, I chose to present the cycle and hidden damage of microplastics through photographs. This is a reminder to pay attention to the harm caused by microplastics to the oceans and to us.

If we only focus on the niceness in front of us, we ignore marine life is dying from accidentally eating microplastic. That is why I want to showcase the community of destiny, as it allows viewers to relate. Additionally, using minimalistic scenes demonstrates the idea that “less is more” to the viewers.

Finally, I'd like to quote the end of the documentary - A Plastic Ocean: "Knowing comes caring, and caring comes change”.

Artist statement

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