#MarkVincentGroup8 #ClimateCrisis2024 #Green Generations Hub

Green Generations Hub

#Group8 #ClimateCrisis2024 #Green Generations Hub

My project Green Generations Hub embodies a vision of carbon neutrality through a design that bridges digital and natural realms. Utilizing a “carbon coin” system, it invites users to earn tokens by embracing low-carbon practices, such as curbing screen time and optimizing data storage. This initiative harmoniously merges virtual gardening for the young with tangible cultivation for the elderly, establishing a cycle of “carbon footprint generation - green behavior - carbon neutrality.” Inspired by Milan Vertical Forest, it elegantly intertwines technology and nature. I selected user-friendly digital tools and intuitive UI designs to inspire community involvement and champion sustainability. By uniting virtual and physical gardening experiences, this project aims to mitigate the impact of our digital carbon footprint on global warming.

Artist Statement

#Group8 #ClimateCrisis2024 #Green Generations Hub

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