#ClimateCrisis2024#SteveElmes#group2-yidi-Red Tide


The objective of the Red Tide project is to create a 3D original artwork model. It incorporates a multitude of waste materials: red raffia grass and packaging bags are served as the foundational shape, while white foam is applied liberally to simulate a spray-like effect. The whole work simulates the form of red tide and emphasizes the color.

Red tide

My work attempts to express the impact of human actions on the Marine environment. The form of the red tide is restored with waste materials, and the difference between the visual effect at a distance and the details at a close distance warns people.
I have a natural affinity for the ocean, which is beautiful, mysterious, and gives people a quiet and profound feeling, which is the embrace of human ancestors hundreds of trillions of years ago. Now, the red water is like an omen and a warning, and this unusual color allows the viewer to think about their own behavior in their life.

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