The ‘Pain’ of Plants #ClimateCriris2024 #Group2 #SteveElmes


Plants in the city are tools used by humans to balance the urban environment, but at the same time, they interfere with the natural growth of plants. I have designed an unconventional piece of jewellery made of cement, which takes on a certain architectural form as it morphs from a brick shape. Wearing it on the body extrudes scars as a way to make people feel the pain of plants being disturbed by human activities, to critique anthropocentrism, and to transform the idea of natural plants serving humans. To make people realise the responsibility humans need to take in the climate crisis and the importance of paying attention to it, starting from the things around them.

The ‘Pain’ of Plants

Plants in the city are tools used by humans to balance the urban environment, but at the same time, they interfere with the natural growth of plants. I have designed an unconventional piece of jewellery made of cement, which takes on a certain architectural form as it morphs from a brick shape. Wearing it on the body extrudes scars as a way to make people feel the pain of plants being disturbed by human activities, to critique anthropocentrism, and to transform the idea of natural plants serving humans. To make people realise the responsibility humans need to take in the climate crisis and the importance of paying attention to it, starting from the things around them.

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