The aim of this project is to create fabrics through a method which all materials come from nature and handmade. I used lacquer, ‘rice’ paper and mineral pigments to create unique paper fabric to focus people’s attention on the sustainable fashion and mitigate further threat climate pollution caused by fast fashion and fabric production. At the same time, as a fashion designer, I hope to promote the development of sustainable fashion and promote the concept of sustainable fashion, materials and production. Based on lacquer which is widely used in the wooden pillars of Chinese temples, its function is to make wood immortal for thousands of years to prevent insects destructed and rain erosion of the wooden pillars. My concept is that the lacquer fabric can also reach a very long service life. This is not to advocate that humans only need to own a few pieces of clothing, but I want the approach of using fabrics made of lacquer, and all materials from nature and made by hand, to warn against the excessive waste of today's fast fashion and the pollution of the fabric industry.

The Paper Fabric by Jiongchi Yao

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