Ice Core Storage #ClimateCrisis2024MaryThompson

My Independent Project, "Ice Core Storage," aims to respond creatively to the Antarctic environment. Influenced by Antarctic ice core extraction and the awareness of global warming, I created an eco-friendly knitted installation. It uses a combination of conventional and water-soluble knitted materials to mimic the process of storing information and the impact of human activities on the environment. The analysis shows that the choice of materials and the melting process represent the vulnerability of the environment. I'm satisfied with the project's concept but could have improved the documentation of the melting process. The creation process was challenging. It involved research, material selection, knitting, and setting up the melting process. Group discussions helped me improve problem-solving flexibility.This project was special. I learned the importance of flexibility and matching my skills to the subject within limited time. It gives me confidence for future projects, especially in improving efficiency when working with a team.



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