Virus Entrance #Climatecrisis2024 #Group1 #nichumphries


My work is about virus rebirth that affects human's lives

My artwork explores the interrelationship between viruses and human lives. Inspired by the artist Chiharu Shiota’s artwork “Me, Somewhere Else,” I combined different coloured wool strings with objects in the house which are connected with water. Then I made a series of images called “Virus Entrance.” 

I always think that if the glacial melting cannot be controlled, various kinds of viruses from glaciers will be reborn, which may affect our daily lives. 

I use wool strings in distinct colours to express this topic. In this way, the strings are symbols of water and the assorted colours of them represent the viruses. Through both, I want to raise the consciousness of people ABOUT the climate crisis. 

Shower Unit

wool strings sticking on the shower unit


wool strings sticking on the fridge

Air Conditioner

wool strings sticking on the air conditioner

The Wall

wool strings sticking on the wall

Tap Water

wool strings sticking on the tap

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