High Temperature-G14 #ClimateCrisis2024 #AndrewFisher

My project’s theme is the high temperature caused by climate crisis. First of all, this inspiration comes from the increasing number of people suffering from heat stroke. But I found that the reason for this result is the greenhouse effect caused by human use of plastics. And humanity is suffering from the consequences. So I wanted to make a piece that would make people empathize with themselves. In this way, people can realize that they are also protecting themselves by protecting the environment. In the follow-up development, I will choose elements and materials related to high temperature and humanity。 For the final product, I chose to use plastic and temperature-sensitive pigments to simulate humans at high temperatures. And I focus the visual effects on this part。

Final Product

My project’s theme is the high temperature caused by climate crisis. First of all, this inspiration comes from the increasing number of people suffering from heat stroke. But I found that the reason for this result is the greenhouse effect caused by human use of plastics. And humanity is suffering from the consequences. So I wanted to make a piece that would make people empathize with themselves. In this way, people can realize that they are also protecting themselves by protecting the environment. In the follow-up development, I will choose elements and materials related to high temperature and humanity。 For the final product, I chose to use plastic and temperature-sensitive pigments to simulate humans at high temperatures. And I focus the visual effects on this part。

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