My work investigates the intricate relationship between agriculture and water resources, drawing on the traditional Chinese Taoist principle of the unity of heaven and humanity. By integrating and restructuring natural forms, I seek to develop a distinct visual language. Reflecting on my personal experiences, I intertwine the narrative of avocado cultivation with this concept to critically examine the interdependence and coexistence of humanity and nature—a relationship that transcends control and demands continuous introspection and contemplation for balance. Through the exploration of new media, I aim to engage viewers in a fluid, reimagined world, fostering a deeper understanding of these dynamics.


My work investigates the intricate relationship between agriculture and water resources, drawing on the traditional Chinese Taoist principle of the unity of heaven and humanity. By integrating and restructuring natural forms, I seek to develop a distinct visual language. Reflecting on my personal experiences, I intertwine the narrative of avocado cultivation with this concept to critically examine the interdependence and coexistence of humanity and nature—a relationship that transcends control and demands continuous introspection and contemplation for balance. Through the exploration of new media, I aim to engage viewers in a fluid, reimagined world, fostering a deeper understanding of these dynamics.

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