Don't Leave Me is a collection of photographs shot at my grandmother's home in a countryside of Liaoning province, China. It records the appearance of the current rural environment. The main inspiration of project came from my personal childhood experience. I used to enjoy the beautiful fields scenery in my native place. However, over these years, the rural environment had become worse and made me very concerned about. So I used editorial photography pictures to present the changes of the countryside environment due to the climate crisis. I have also used many photographers' still life photographs as my references, such as Torbjørn Rødland and Daniel Shea. The aim of this project is to draw people's attention to the rural environmental protection. And it also carries my deep feelings to my hometown, my strong emotions to the natural environment and the hope for making it get better to against the climate crisis in the future.

Don’t Leave Me Cover and Chapter 1

Front Door and Rural Field

Don’t Leave Me Chapter 2

Still Life of Daily Necessities

Don’t Leave Me Chapter 3

Handwritten Letters

Don’t Leave Me Last Page

Records of The Old House

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